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MYNA In Ear Monitors asked me to try out and give my thoughts about their Myna IEM (in ear monitors). I was very impressed with the Universal Fit version (7506 version) that I ordered a Custom Version built from my ear impressions.

Headphones/earphones needs are subjective so this my own opinion based on my experience from vast amounts of field recordings, editing, and sound design work.

Wearing custom version


Just like MYNA birds, the MYNA IEM I use mimic the sounds from Sony 7506 headphones. To me and many others, the famous Sony 7506 represents true to life sounds. There are many pictures and videos showing me using Remote Audio 7506 High Noise headphones. What I hear through those headphones sound true to what I later hear when editing in the studio. The 7506 MYNA IEMs are pretty accurate to Sony 7506 headphones. In fact, the IEMs sound a little more exciting. While editing and listening to past recordings, the vehicles sound more exciting, the gunshots seem to be punchier, still correctly letting me hear true to life sounds. Both versions include 5 drivers inside. 5 drivers!! This I LIKE!!

Comfortable! I can easily wear the Universal version for very long days. The Custom version I bought are comfortable but Universal Fit version is more so.

For bad extreme weather conditions. I more often now use IEM for field recordings. It seems like I’m always working under the hot sun sweating too death. When I have to wear large hats with flaps, IEM is the way to go. For cold weather, I can easily use IEMs under beanies and hoodies. This is also true whenever I record helicopter and watercraft sounds. Headphones will fall off during these extreme sessions.

These can play plenty LOUD that I don’t need to crank up the volume to monitor critical sounds.

Universal Fit version can use multiple kinds of tips according how you like the fitting and comfort level. Check out their Accessories page.

Best Deal. For the price between $499-$549 USD, these are the best deals for Pro Level Quality IEMs. I find myself also enjoying music and audio book listening with these. Now they’re always with me.

custom fit version

Universal fit version


Universal version did protect my ears from pistol and smaller rifle caliber gunshot recording sessions. Custom version is needed for best protection and isolated listening for larger calibers and serious race cars I often get hired to record. Universal version is more comfortable for very long hours of monitoring/listening.

Not a bad thing but you’ll need ear impressions from an Audiologist to send to Myna for them to build you Custom IEMs.

So how good are these versus other brands??

While using my Custom MYNA IEMs, I did sound design, editing, and custom recordings work for some customers. They were all happy with the results.
This is an accurate and happy testimony!!

Special thanks to Trew Audio and to MYNA.